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Club Fishing Outing

2022 club outing Buffalo Lake.png

Buffalo Lake Fun facts… Size and Depth

Area: 1551.9 acres

Littoral Area: 760 acres

Shore Length: 6.25 miles

Mean Depth: 14.7 feet

Maximum Depth: 33 feet


Buffalo Lake is located in Wright County, within the city limits of Buffalo. It has a surface area of 1,552 acres and a maximum depth of 33 feet. The watershed is large and dominated by agriculture and development. The lake is a popular destination for angling and other recreation. Mill Creek runs through Buffalo Lake and connects to the North Fork Crow River. There are three public accesses: in the northwest corner, Sturgis Park in the northeast, and in the southeast near the Mink Lake inlet. Invasive plants include curly leaf pondweed (typically a nuisance in the spring and early summer) and widespread Eurasian watermilfoil. Water quality is poor, few plant species were found and plant growth is limited to shallow water. The previous lake survey was in 2003.

The Walleye gillnet catch in 2013 was within the expected range of values for lakes similar to Buffalo, but down from the previous two surveys. Walleye were relatively large, ranging in length from 15.1 to 27.1 inches with an average length and weight of 20.3 inches and 3.0 lbs. Forty three percent of Walleye were longer than 21 inches. Growth was fast; Walleye average over 20 inches at age five. Natural reproduction is limited and Walleye fry are stocked every other year.

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